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Who are we & What do we do?

For years, it’s been proven that Animal Assisted Interventions and Animal Assisted Therapy can effectively reduce anxiety and stress, help with blood pressure, foster positive emotions, improve social interactions and boost the quality of life to name a few. 


Here at People and Animal Wellbeing Services CIC  (or PAWS for short) we are more than just a service provider, we offer-  through our amazing dogs - a bridge connecting those we support with professionals who understand the complexities of their various challenges. 


Working with the individual, we adjust our programmes to meet their needs and as an outreach alternative provision we are able to visit the home environment, schools, community spaces or any other location our client feels safe and will engage in


Our dedicated team, composed of practitioners holding qualifications in education, special educational needs (SEN), counselling, or therapy work collaboratively with certified therapy dogs to create a supportive and enriching environment. The individual specialities of our practitioners and the nature of their own specific dog means that we work hard to match a team that has the best skill-set to meet the needs of the client or the setting they are working in.

About Us

Since her sessions with PAWS, [our pupil’s] attendance has shown clear improvement… The biggest impact has been in her confidence in class and around the school. She now speaks in class, answers questions, and has even begun reading aloud in small groups. She speaks to adults not in her class, such as office staff, which she was never able to do before. She shows more confidence, even in her body language, and she is much happier in herself. The change has been significant and swift… the impact of these sessions cannot be understated

Caroline Black

Headteacher / DSL

Sayes Court Primary School

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One of the children that has been seeing Rob and Bailey recently said to one of our Mental-Health team that she was able to use breathing strategies and calming techniques at home and these were suggestions that Rob had spoken about with her. We are seeing a huge positive impact on the well-being of our children after they have had a session with Rob and Bailey.

The Greville Primary School  

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PAWS Values & Ethos

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Young people feel more settled in school and able to access learning more appropriately and emotional regulation has been better with these young people and they have been able to respond to difficult and challenging times in their life.

Herne Bay High School

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Contact Us

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0330 229 2079
Bracknell, Berkshire

We'll be in touch soon!

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Illustrations copyright of Heather May Williams

PEOPLE AND ANIMAL WELLBEING SERVICES CIC Registered 2020 - Company number: 12805537 

P.A.W.S People and Animal Wellbeing Services © 2020

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